If you think you or someone you know has been bullied or harassed there is a variety of support options available to both students and staff. 

For students 

RVC’s Advice Centre offer emotional and practical support. This could include a referral for counselling or mental health support, signposting to specialist external resources and providing advice and support to co-ordinate any reasonable adjustments if your studies have been affected. For more information on the support we offer and to book an appointment please visit our Learn site or contact us on 020 8051 3500 or email advice@rvc.ac.uk

Dignity at Work and Study Ambassador - An ambassador can talk through the University's procedures, discuss support available and in confidence explain how to resolve concerns informally and how to make a formal complaint. Further details can be found in the College’s Dignity at Work and Study Policy

For staff 

  • Dignity at Work and Study Ambassador - An ambassador can talk through the University's procedures, discuss support available and in confidence explain how to resolve concerns informally and how to make a formal complaint. Further details can be found in the College’s Dignity at Work and Study Policy
  • Care First - The College, in partnership with 'Care First', offers a counselling and advisory service to RVC employees as an additional source of workplace support 
  • Human Resources -  If you are a member of staff or manager your HR partner will be able to identify the support that’s available for you. If appropriate this may include referring staff member to occupational health as a duty of care.  
  • Chaplaincy - The College Chaplain has pastoral care and concern for all in College, students and staff alike, and is available to listen and talk in complete confidence about any concerns members of the College may have. 
  • Trade Unions – If you are a member of a trade union, you can contact your trade union representative for support. The recognised trade unions within the College are UCU, UNISON and UNITE. 

Other sources of support 

Citizens Advice provides some information on bullying and harassment 

Family Lives provides some information and advice on bullying at University 

The National Union of Students (NUS) has put together some top tips on how to deal with bullying in halls. 

Young Minds has put together a blog on how to deal with bullying at University 

LGBT Foundation has a number of groups covering a wide section of the LGBT community. They provide a safe and comfortable environment for people who may feel isolated, are coming out or are new to the area. 


There are two ways you can tell us what happened